Tuesday, March 4, 2014

February Support Update!

Wow! What an incredible past few weeks I've had! It has been great visiting churches and having the opportunity to meet and fellowship with other brothers and sisters at home and in Florida. What a blessing!

I loved spending a week in Florida with my grandparents. Not only was I able to spend some quality time with them, I was also given the opportunity to share my testimony at Plant City Church of God. The support I received there was amazing! The people of Plant City Church of God were very generous and welcoming. I know that many of them are praying for me, and some have been led to support me financially. Thank you Plant City Church of God for your support and love for missions!

On Sunday I had a concert at New Life Church with my good friend and brother Matt Riggins. The concert far exceeded our expectations! Over $3,800 in support was raised for my work in Haiti! But that's not the best part - several children are going to be sponsored at Christian Light School, some people would like to visit Haiti, and most importantly, at least one person prayed to receive Jesus as their Savior!!! What an awesome night! Thank you God!!!

God has been doing some other amazing things lately. Things that are almost hard to comprehend. So many people have been touched by what He's doing at Christian Light School. The support and increase of people wanting to help has been overwhelming! I'm so thankful that God has chosen me to be apart of His work at Christian Light School! What a privilege it is to serve the Lord!

As of the end of February (with the addition of the concert on March 2nd), I have received at least $8,590 in support! My recurring monthly support is at least $440/month, and there are a number of other people who are about to start supporting me monthly, so that number should be on the rise soon. Thank you so much for supporting me and the work the Lord has called me to! You have all been a blessing in my life and may God bless you for the sacrifices you are making for His Kingdom!

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