Saturday, January 24, 2015

January Update

The month started out with the celebration of the New Year and Haiti's Independence Day with Fabiola's family. It was nice to spend some time with family and friends and enjoy some very good pumpkin soup! The following week school was back in session. Going back into school after a break always makes for a very busy, chaotic week.

This past week we had two groups with us. One from Plant City Church of God in Florida, and one from Tabor College in Kansas. The Plant City Church of God team focused mostly on making improvements and building things at the school and children's home. They built new shelves for the new library, tables, cabinets, a wall and door for a room, installed a security camera system, installed a stove and sink in Sherrie's room, fixed several plumbing issues including toilets, the filtration system, the children's home pump/cistern, and worked on the electrical system. They also cleaned all of the books for the library and did some painting in a classroom. I'm sure I'm leaving a few things out. Needless to say they were an awesome group that worked hard all week. No complaints. Just servants of the Lord doing all they could while they were here to make Christian Light School a better place. A place where the Lord's work can continue to be carried out because of people like you and groups like this.

The group from Tabor College also had a good week. Dr. David Loewen brought 5 of his education major students to observe our classes. He and his students came to learn from our teaching staff, and also to provide instruction and encouragement. I think Dr. Loewen and his students had a nice approach for what they came to do and I hope the week was mutually beneficial for our teachers and his soon to be teachers.

I almost forgot to mention that we had a medical clinic at the school this week too. Ken and Andrea Taylor brought a team and they were able to see over 200 people! We are so thankful for what they are doing for the community. So many good things happened this week at Christian Light School! An exhausting week, but a week where a lot of love was shared in Haiti.

It looks as though Fabiola and I will have enough financial support to continue serving in Haiti through the month of February. I'm not sure how things will work out after that, but God does. We are thankful for His provisions! I went to the embassy a few days ago and I was told that it could take a year to a year and a half for Fabiola to get her visa to come to the States with me. So it looks like Fabiola will have to stay in Haiti for awhile. If we do run out of financial support I will have to leave her in Haiti and look for a job in the States. We don't like the idea of being separated for a lengthy period of time, but we will do whatever we have to do. We trust that God has a plan in this.

Much love and blessings from Haiti!

1 comment:

  1. Josh,
    Thank you for sharing this latest update.
    It is wonderful to hear of the many ways in which you were able to serve. It sounds like you and others have been busy with some very valuable contributions and improvements.
    It saddens me to hear of the recent bureaucratic obstacles that you've encountered in trying to obtain a visa for your wife. I will be sure to pray that God grants you patience in this process and for a resolution.
    May God continue to bless you in your service. I look forward to hearing from you again, soon.
    Peace and grace,
    Ryan Heycock
