Friday, July 4, 2014

Current thoughts and my fast approaching trip to the US

It's hard for me to think that a week from now I'll be on American soil. I'm looking forward to seeing my family and friends, but I know I'm going to miss my life here in Haiti--the precious kids, the great people I serve with, my wonderful girlfriend. I won't miss the dust, inescapable heat, or intermittent electricity :)  I trust and anticipate the month visit in the states will be fruitful. I have a feeling it's going to be very busy. 

While I am 'home' I need to take some CE courses and renew my license to sell insurance so it doesn't lapse (possibly selling/helping to sell some policies to supplement my support money), get some thorough training in Quickbooks so I can better serve Christian Light School, research a business idea I'd like to cultivate in Haiti, visit whoever will have me and share the needs of Christian Light School, and visit with my family, friends, and supporters. I've also decided that it's time to sell everything of significant value that I still have in the states. I know I'm going to need the money and there's no use having a car and other possessions a couple thousand miles away if I don't expect to be using them very often. 

I'm very happy serving in Haiti and I could see myself living here a long time if It be in God's will. With today being July 4th I must acknowledge that I'm proud to be an American. I'm so thankful for the opportunities I have had in my life. Now I want to help the Haitian people to have the same opportunities that I have/had. My wish is for Haiti to be a prosperous and God seeking country. I believe it can be. I will try my best to help the people of this nation rise up and tell Satan he is no longer worshipped or welcome here. 

As always, thank you all for supporting me and the kingdom work taking place here. I greatly appreciate it and couldn't do it without you. We are a team. You send and I go. I see some surprises and changes ahead. I'm not even sure how provisions will be made for all that is ahead, but I know The Lord knows! I love you all and Happy Independence Day!


  1. Josh,
    Happy 4th of July to you too! We are truly blessed to be Americans.
    As always, thank you for your update. May you continue to faithfully serve God and a people in need; may you continue to bear witness to His grace.
    I'm glad to hear that all is well, and I greatly anticipate your return home.
    Peace and Best Wishes,
    Ryan Heycock

  2. It is so great to hear from you! God has placed a passion in your heart for the mission field in Haiti. It brings joy to me to know that God calls, sends and provides for your every need. Josh it is apparent that you are reaping the rewards of a strengthened faith in Him! Thank you for your service to our King. Love and prayers, Pattricia Johnson
