Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Our Current Situation/Looking Ahead

It's been a rough past day. We haven't had electricity since Monday. There is still electricity at the school so it appears it is not a widespread problem. Something happened that is only affecting the place where we live and the surrounding houses. With no electricity we can't pump water, charge devices, run a fan, or use our internet. As hot as it is now not having a fan, especially for sleeping at night, is very difficult. I've been down this road many times since coming to Haiti and it's never fun. It leaves me restless and unable to sleep. I lay awake in bed soaked in sweat. Then I get up and pace around in frustration.

To top all of that off, Fabiola went to her visa appointment this morning and she was denied. She told me the man didn't even look at her. He also didn't look at any of the letters or paperwork that I had prepared for her. Is the US government taking advantage of Haitians with the visa process? I think they are. They charge people $160 just to get the "appointment" for non-immigrant visas.

The thing that hurts the most is that Fabiola and I knew that if she didn't get the visa today we probably wouldn't be seeing much of each other until her immigrant visa is approved. Unless God tells us something different and provides some more miracles I won't be coming back full time to Haiti once I leave on July 22nd. We received $702 in donations last month and $825 so far this month. It's not even close to what we need to get by. I was setting aside money to pay this year's taxes, but it looks like I'm going to have to use it now and figure out how to pay the taxes when it comes up next year.

I know God can do anything and I truly believe that, but maybe it is time for me to go back to work in the States and prepare a place for my wife and the family we would like to have. God called me back to Haiti in March and I obeyed. I'm thankful I was able to finish out this school year and spend an extra 4 months with my wife. I'm also thankful for everything God has been teaching me through His word and in all of the trials we have had to endure. I'm ready to come back and serve God in the States. I've been greatly troubled for my own country for quite some time. I only wish my wife could be with me! It will happen eventually. It's just not happening as quickly as we were hoping.

Here is the current plan (leaving this open for God to move and change it as He sees fit): I will fly home to Pennsylvania on July 22nd. I will probably cut my time in Pennsylvania shorter (maybe only stay 3 weeks instead of 4). Sometime in mid August I will fly to Florida and start looking for work. Until moving to Haiti, I had lived my entire life in Pennsylvania. Fabiola and I both want to stay in a more tropical climate so Florida is the obvious choice. It also puts us closer to Haiti and only one flight from Pennsylvania. I was supposed to be coming back to Haiti on August 25th, but I will remain in Florida and hopefully be working full time by sometime in September. Fabiola will continue to work at the school and live with the girls from the children's home (the girls moved in with us over a week ago) until her immigrant visa is approved. We have no idea how much longer that is going to take.

I do want to take a moment to assure everyone that despite all of the trials that we have faced, our faith has not been shaken. I love the Lord and He has a plan for us. I don't know much of what lies ahead, but I do know that we serve an Awesome God that loves us unconditionally. I know Jesus is coming back!

Thank you to all who have helped us along the way. Thank you for praying and financially supporting us. Thank you for your continued support! Please be praying that God will open doors and close doors as He directs our path.


  1. We love you both! Don't lose heart, God is at work :) He will bless your faithfulness.

  2. I can't say I know exactly what it feels like, but I've known a lot of Indians living in America that have had to spend extended amounts of time separated after getting married. I'm sorry you two have to experience it, but I'm trusting that you two will face it well and hope that you come through it more mature and more in love at the end.
